April 11 Mon-April 30 Sat, 2022

内田 ユイ / Yui Uchida
原口 みなみ / Minami Haraguchi
ダニエル・ヌニェス / Daniel Nuñez

English follows Japanese




ダニエル・ヌニェスは、1988年にスペインのマドリードに生まれ、Higher School of Professional Drawing (ESDIP)を卒業し、現在もマドリードにスタジオを構えるアーティスト。ヌニェスは、自身を取り巻く様々なシンボルを彼自身の世界観に置き換え、独自のタッチで表現します。靴、植物、電話など私たちの身の回りに存在する何気ない日常のアイテムは、ヌニェスのキャンバスを通して無視できないものへと生まれ変わり、魔法のように物理的な存在感を獲得します。


We, Yoshiaki Inoue Gallery are pleased to present the group exhibition “PLAY” by three young artists, Yui Uchida, Minami Haraguchi, and Daniel Nuñez.

Yui Uchida is an artist born in Yamanashi and currently based in Tokyo. She creates works by applying celluloid techniques; anime-cels, used in the animation production process. While new technologies are being created every day in today’s society and the use of anime-cels are shifting to digital technology, Uchida applies and utilizes this traditional celluloid technique to give movement to her paintings. The images depicted on the transparent sheets evoke a sense of nostalgia, walk among our memories, and create their own stories. Uchida links the fragility of these vanishing celluloid techniques with the images themselves drawn on these vulnerable transparent sheets.

Minami Haraguchi is an artist born and based in Osaka and completed her MFA at Kyoto City University of Arts in 2016. Haraguchi paints ordinary objects and landscapes that exist around her; repeatedly crossing between various materials and mediums such as drawing, collage, clay, acrylic, and oil. Some parts protrude, while some parts are lost and the images used as inspiration lose their original forms as our personal memories transform over time. The canvas reminds not only of what the artist has seen, felt, and experienced, but also evokes our own memories.

Daniel Nuñez was born in Madrid, Spain in 1988, graduated from Higher School of Professional Drawing (ESDIP), and is still based in Madrid where the artist has a studio. Nuñez translates the various symbols that surround him into his own worldview and expresses them with his unique painting technique. Common everyday items that exist around us, such as shoes, plants, and telephones are transformed in Nunez’s canvas into something non-negligible, magically acquiring a physical presence.

With the theme of sincerity in playfulness, this exhibition, “PLAY” unravels the raw sensitivity of emerging talents and their strength as well as their potential to create a new future.