April 11, Fri – May 17, Sat, 2025
Yoshiaki Inoue Galleryは、2025年4月11日より、現代彫刻の最前線で活躍するアーティスト、パトリシア・ピッチニーニと北川宏人による企画展「交差する未来 ― パトリシア・ピッチニーニと北川宏人」を開催いたします。
“Intersecting Futures – Patricia Piccinini and Hiroto Kitagawa”
Yoshiaki Inoue Gallery will present the special exhibition “Intersecting Futures – Patricia Piccinini and Hiroto Kitagawa” starting April 11, featuring two leading contemporary sculptors, Patricia Piccinini and Hiroto Kitagawa.
This exhibition juxtaposes Piccinini’s exploration of new possibilities for life brought about by advancements in biotechnology with Kitagawa’s satirical representations of “ideal pets” born from human ego and desire. Together, their works prompt a multifaceted reconsideration of humanity’s relationship with life forms we create.
How will the life of the future take shape through human hands?
Experience the “Intersecting Futures” envisioned by Patricia Piccinini and Hiroto Kitagawa.